Matt Changes Jobs, Diapers

I discovered yesterday that Matt Wood is… a preschool teacher?

“I’m changing diapers,” Wood said. “It’s horrible. I don’t know what they feed these kids.”

This was not Wood’s original plan. He said he spoke to several local politicians when he first moved to Bellevue to gain insight about the best path he should take to become a politician.

“They all told me to skip going to law school, get rich and then come back to politics later,” Wood said. “That sort of soured it for me. I don’t like the idea that you have to be rich to be in power.”

Based on these conversations, Wood decided that law school and politics no longer appealed to him. He said he has seriously thought about teaching history and eventually becoming a principal. Wood cites WWU history professor Peter Diehl as an inspiration.

Wood plans on enrolling in Teach For America and becoming a certified teacher through its program. As of now, 4-year-olds reportedly don’t have much patience for Wood’s lectures about the Middle Ages.

Some of you may know that Wood was my roommate my sophomore year at WWU. He came to Western a self-proclaimed “radical right” and refused to party. With my help, he blossomed (correction amended) into a party machine. He became famous for the “Woody Wiggle” and became close friends with Jack Daniel’s. Wood stayed true to his conservative roots, holding various executive positions in Western’s College Republicans club. He was the Associated Students VP for Activities his senior year and single-handedly tried to destroy the ROP branch of the Associated Students -- an over-funded, unutilized campus clique.

Wood graduated from WWU this summer with a history major. He is applying his degree to learn more about his own history. While he has learned much by observing the preschoolers, he has yet to learn where babies come from.