We have been on a nice rotation of ski days and island cabin days.
The snow days have been super fun with you and Matteo cruising through the trees and side hits. We’ve been up to Crystal almost every weekend this past month. I’m especially impressed by how you’ve been carrying your own skis from the truck up to the ski lifts. This may sound like no big deal, but I feel major relief now that I don’t have to awkwardly carry 2-3 pairs of skis! You’ve also had a great attitude throughout the day, negotiating which runs we ski next and encouraging Matteo on his jumps. Your Mom and I also got wiser, keeping gummy worms on hand at all times to prevent future meltdowns.
At the island, it’s all about bundled-up beach walks and movie nights in the winter. You have an incredible imagination when you're out in nature—creating fairy castles, crab pools, and little shops where you sell all the treasures you’ve collected. Even when it’s in the 40s, we spend hours on the beach because we’re having so much fun. Back at the cabin, you keep busy drawing what you saw at the beach or what’s in your mind. We spend time working on puzzles and bracelets, too. You rediscovered Bluey recently, and after getting into the soundtrack on our long car rides, we started playing “keepy uppy” in the cabin. It’s funny how, with all the toys and screens around, a simple balloon can bring just as much fun as anything else.
Now, we’re heading into mid-winter break, and I expect we’ll keep up our rotation from the mountains to the sound. Before the break, you had your choir performance with other elementary schools at Gig Harbor High School. Your Mom and I sat among the proud parents in the bleachers, watching you sing with so much energy. I was amazed by how many songs you memorized, though you told us afterward that you forgot the lyrics to one and just hummed along. Smooth move. Choir has been a challenge with those early morning practices on Tuesdays and Fridays—you are not a fan of waking up that early. But now that the concert is over, we can all celebrate the end of those early alarms. I bet you’ll sing even sweeter with more sleep for the rest of the school year.
Through all these little adventures—carrying your own skis, leading beachside games, singing on stage—I see you growing in confidence, creativity, and independence. No matter where we go next, I know you’ll keep impressing us.
Love, Dad