We’re in the full swing of summer, and you just completed your first week of day camps at Miracle Ranch with Matteo. This was your first “real” camp experience, and you loved it!
You were reasonably nervous on the first day, and your Mom did her magic identifying another shy girl at the registration table named Natalie to introduce you two. You were both in the same group and became fast friends. The camp had all the classic activities including swimming (limited to just one day due to lake algae blooms, yuck), archery, horse riding, etc. This may seem small, but we were delighted when you told us after the first day of camp that you ate and liked the lunch food. You’re typically picky about food at school, so it was a nice leap for you to eat what’s put in front of you.
Mom and I attended the rodeo in the morning on the last day of camp, and you showed us a square dance to “Cotton Eye Joe” later that night. You told us that you can have one sleepover night in your age group next year and definitely want to do that. This camp experience was a big win, and we’re glad to hear you’re already excited for next year.
I never attended a traditional summer camp, but I attended a sleepover soccer camp at Fort Casey on Whidbey Island for a couple years around age 11. This may have also been the peak of my soccer career because I got the nod for “Best Offensive Player” at the end of camp. Anyway, I remember staying in a big bunkhouse with a ton of other kids, eating in large cafeterias and, of course, playing soccer. At that time “Basket Case” by Green Day and “Bulls on Parade” by Rage Against the Machine were big music hits. I remember them getting played on rotation by the camp counselors and at the camp dance night where we had a most pit. (Read: A lot of kids stood around a hot gym and then harmlessly jumped around during the Green Day song.)
I’m not sure Miracle Ranch played the hits or soccer, but I know the camp had some light Christian undertones in its song choices and some select Bible verses in camp materials. After camp, you asked more about reading the Bible, so Mom got you an edition for young girls to help you navigate the stories. You’ve had your nose in that Bible every since, and those 1,000+ pages are meant to last a lifetime, so don’t rush yourself. We pray before dinner but otherwise our church attendance is light (because the mountains are close to heaven on Sundays), and we don’t push religion much on you at all. I’ll be interested to see how this progresses as we socialize with friends and in communities like this that are faith-based. I personally like that you’re starting to learn about Christianity because it helps you realize you’re in a bigger world with a big history. We’ll help you navigate this realm of faith more as you take interest.
Or maybe you’ll peak on this topic early like my offensive skills at soccer summer camp. We’ll see.