Today is career day at school where you dress as the profession you want to do. Eliza dressed up as an artist, which she claims will be her “forever” career. She told me last night that she knows some people change careers, but she doesn’t think that she will ever stop being an artist. I think she’s right.
As for you, you dressed up as a DJ. I’m not sure where you saw this the first time, but sometime recently you saw a DJ scratching records and thought it was the coolest thing that you have ever seen. Since then, we’ve watched some DJing videos on YouTube and you’ve asked to listen to songs with DJ scratches. Because of that, we’ve been listening to a lot of the Beastie Boys, and put “Three MC’s and One DJ” on repeat.
I did not expect one of the great joys of parenting to be listening to the Beastie Boys with you, but I’m not mad about it.
So for this career day, you were wearing a backwards Star Wars hat and some streetwear-looking t-shirt, shorts, and Adidas high tops. It’s a flex. We also drew a DJ controller and cut out circular records to take to school so you could spin in front of your friends.
Little do you know that for your birthday next month, I bought you a kid-friendly DJ set. We’ll see what you can do on the real ones and twos.
This is all fun and games, of course. It’s hard to say how fruitful that will be in terms of a creer, but it could be a great way to have a fun job to get things started and be the center of the party. Drop the beat, son.
Love, Dad