We just came home from your first camping trip ever! We were out at Penrose Point State Park, a safe distance from our house in case we had to bail. Fortunately you and Eliza slept well-enough at night and napped during the day. I never expect to sleep great on any kind of backpacking or camping trip, so to get decent sleep with both of you was a major win.
Summer is off to a great start. We also got a double kayak for the family and fit all of us (minus Greta) on a first outing at the Chaffee beach house. You went a strong 20 minutes before demanding to nurse. Your Mom figured out the logistics with both of you wearing life jackets and got you to latch on the open water. I was the only paddler on the boat. We weren't moving fast but I paddled straight to shore before you reached total meltdown. Next time we need to add your Froggy WubbaNub to our paddling checklist.
You've had a lot of helmet breaks as the weather has warmed up. We see you get overheated underneath all that plastic and foam. Not exactly breathable. You sweat like I do, and your helmet gets a little stinky. The breaks are good for hygiene.
I like to take the helmet off to actually SEE you. The helmet almost has a brim and shades your eyes. When I can see the entire frame of your face and hair I get to see all of your expression. You're such a cute little guy. Everyone comments on how smiley you are, and the smile is at maximum effectiveness when the helmet is off. Your head shape is getting better, so the helmet is working. Hopefully you'll only have another month or so before another growth spurt to close the gap and we can get rid of the helmet for good.
You're a strong guy. You started pulling yourself up to stand just a couple days ago. I think you were motivated to reach Greta's food and water dishes. Missioned accomplished. You'll find the world has way better snacks than dog kibble, by the way. To prove your improving strength you like to wrestle with Eliza on the couch and beds. Although she has height and reach advantages, you hold your own and bury your helmet head in her stomach to toss her back. You're the pound-for-pound featherweight champ in this house.
I can't believe you're turning one next month. This has been so much fun.
Love, Dad