You are becoming a little foodie!
You've got both bottom-center teeth now and are putting them to work -- including occasionally biting your Mom while nursing. Not cool.
We are getting you started on simple foods and baby foods. You like to suck on carrots and cucumbers. I'm sure the cold veggies help your sore gums. You sometimes eat avocados through a mesh spoon. It's a little weird but it works. Today we tried a berries-and-oats puree, but you broke out in light hives. You've been getting some light rashes after eating soft foods, so you conclusively have some food sensitivities or allergies like your cousin Harry. Although the light skin breakouts occur, it doesn't stop your enthusiasm for trying foods. Each time you see the baby spoon come out you reach out intensely and try and grab the spoon to expedite the food travel. It's a cute little behavior.
You are getting more sturdy and can sit up on your own for minutes at a time (eventually falling to a side). You seem awfully proud of yourself when you're upright. You are also practicing standing with some help and in your play saucer. Typically you are most happy at these tasks when you are at least shirtless, if not only wearing a diaper. I guess someone has to be the nudist in the family.
We are keeping an eye on the flat spot on the back of your head, and Mom has you in physical therapy at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital once a week to help with your neck strength. You may have favored turning your head to the left side too much these past months, or even in utero, so you sort of have a stiff neck. I'm sure the exercises will help, and we won't hesitate to get you a corrective helmet if that means it helps round out your head shape. We should have a better idea about all that over the next couple of months.
Through all of these growth milestones you have had one big smile on your face. In contrast, I look back at your sister at this age and realize she was quite stoic. If you're not sleeping or eating, you're grinning. Strangers light up when they see you because you're always smiling at them first. It makes everyone's day, especially mine! There's a cliche aspect of masculinity not to smile to appear tough. Personally, I think that's horseshit. A smiley approach has paid off for me way more often than acting tough. You're off to a great start, little homey.
Love always, Dad