Dear Eliza,
You have the best little laugh. Your Mom and her mom are quiet chucklers, but you let it out loud like me. You proclaim your delight.
I'll paint you a picture from the other night. Your usual witching hour is 7 p.m., about 30 minutes before you go to bed. You get especially wild when you're just running around in a diaper before we put on pajamas. Your Mom was pretending to be a dog and crawl up and bark at you (don't ask), and it made you hysterical. Though you can say the words, you still signed "more please" as you wanted her to do it again and again. You shrieked with delight, followed by a gasping laugh. I soon took over, and it was more of the same. All the noise bothered Greta and caused her to rotate around the room looking for lower decibels. Her disgruntlement seemed to spur your delight.
More shrieking. More giggling. "More please."
You're achieving so many milestones that it's hard to keep track these days. For some reason I commit the more peculiar behaviors to memory. For example, I realized that you can thumb through book pages. You do this with ease and could probably bridge a deck of cards. You also like to put items over your head -- scarves, bandannas and especially dog harnesses -- and choose jackets to wear around the house. I didn't realize toddlers liked to pick out their clothes so soon.
When you have on the outfit and "necklace" of your choice, you walk over to the fireplace glass, which you use as a mirror, to look at yourself. You are always very animated as you evaluate your outfit. I don't know where you got this from because your Mom spends zero time in front of a mirror (natural beauty needs no prep time), and I'm cleaned up and ready for the day before you wake up. That's another way of saying I spend more time in front of the mirror than your Mom, but you don't know that just yet.
All of this makes me wonder if you'll be into fashion when you're older. I guess I work in retail so that's not too far off.
Here's a little life hint: Some people will like your style, but they'll fall in love with your laugh. Keep laughing out loud, kiddo.
Love always, Dad