This title is awfully misleading. These images represent Cabo as much as an image of the Space Needle represents Seattle. Rather, these images show the great time we had at Riu Santa Fe, a couple miles downtown Cabo and on the water. I would highly, highly recommend this resort if you don't need the full flavor of Mexican culture. The quality and value of the hotel was exceptional. It wasn't my first time vacationing in Cabo, but it was for Amanda, so naturally I had to show her the best of Mexico via an all-inclusive, primarily American-occupied resort.
The room included a "tap" with four liquors.
This was worth the price of admission alone.
The main dining hall. The food was excellent.
When the weather was cool (below 90 degrees), we went for a walk into town.
Walking back from town... HOT.
Amanda picked up some hot pink knock-off Ray Bans.
A cruise ship came into the bay during our walk back.
Here are a bunch of shots from around the property during the early morning, hence the lack of people. It was really the only comfortable time to lug around my Canon. Camera weight becomes a factor in two primary situations: hot Mexican destinations and mountain climbing.
Do you see the guy on the horse on the beach?
Here's another dining hall, closer to the beach.
I like to call this "The Alamo."
Whoever invented swim-up pool bars deserves all the money he/she has earned. The couple walking toward us, Kevin and Becky, were honeymooners from Connecticut. There were lots of honeymooners at the resort. No surprise for this time of the year.
After five nights and plenty of cervesas, we were home sweet home.