Same ish, different place

Hi everybody! I launched Word Is Born four years ago, in August 2005. Since then, I've grown, the blog has grown and its followers have grown. I'm extremely proud and sometimes overwhelmed by that progress. I've created more than 1,100 posts so far, which have been met by 3x that many comments and nearly 80,000 visits from all over the world.

Considering this, I decided it was time for a change. Or maybe Barack Obama's slogan got to me. Probably both. Yes we can.

After my engagement to Amanda, many of you asked about the fate of the Word Is Born. It shall persist. Hopefully after I'm married Word Is Born will only be that much more entertaining. We've traveled on this blog from post-undergrad to new jobs to living with The Wives to grad school and so on. The greatest adventures lie ahead and I'll continue to chronicle them here.

To accommodate a bigger effort, I've transitioned to Wordpress for publishing. With Wordpress I'm able to create pages, jumps and lots of other nerdy tricks to make Word Is Born more friendly, intuitive and fun to read. I previously used Blogger and was (thankfully) able to import all of my posts since August 2005 so that the new Wordpress archives are complete. However, some links may be broken. Nothing's perfect.

You probably noticed that the URL has changed. Update those bookmarks and RSS feeds! I've bought,, and in the interest of owning my personal brand on the Internet. and will land you here. The old address will redirect here as well. Or should.

Like anything online, this site is a work in progress, and I welcome your suggestions for improvements. You know where to find me.

Here's to another four years, another 1,000 posts, another 3,000 comments, another 80,000 visitors and you.

Best, Paolo