'The Saddest Day of the Year'

WIB editor's note: In light of Paolo's vacation, Scott volunteered to guest post about his "Saddest Day of the Year" -- the day Crystal Mountain closed.

Well, it has been far from a record-book year, but it is still hard to see it end. Yesterday, April 19, marked the official closing day of skiing at Crystal Mountain.

It was a sad afternoon packing up all of the stuff from the room and heading down. I kept telling myself, โ€œHopefully, it will be a short summer.โ€

Many memories were made during my 35 days with Mother Nature this year including finally getting deep snow โ€“ even though it took until February to get here.

All those chores I have been able to put off with the excuse of heading up to the mountain are now pounding on my doorโ€ฆ (Hi Courtney!) Good thing fly-fishing season is just around the corner!

If you are wondering who around you is in mourning this week over a season coming to an end too soonโ€ฆ