I'm kinda pissed right now because I have class tonight and it's causing me to miss both the Washington State gubernatorial debate (Go Dino!) and the presidential debate.

However, I plan to toggle tonight between:

  1. Paying attention in class (Just as difficult to do now as ever, especially with a laptop in front of me)
  2. Watching the Twitter election feed at http://election.twitter.com/ (For the good, the terrible and the funny)
  3. Watching Hack the Debate (a beautiful mashup of the live debate broadcast and Tweets.)

To keep myself entertained today, I've been spending time at the left-leaning but HILARIOUS site, http://palinaspresident.com/. It mocks everything related to Palin and is highly interactive. I recommend opening and closing the door at left several times. Be sure to click on Bambi. ;)