When you get online, is Facebook your first stop or even your homepage?

Well then, you might be a narcissist.

According to a Fox News article and by way of WIB Street Teamer Cari, researchers at the University of Georgia found, to no surprise, that Facebook profiles benefit narcissists.

Through personality questionnaires and studying the profiles of nearly 130 Facebook users, researchers concluded that the number of friends and wall posts (messages left by the owner of the profile or friends) that people had on their profiles correlated with how narcissistic they were.

Now I'm not going to name names here, but I know more than a few people who spend an inordinate amount of time on Facebook.

This report on narcissism is especially concerning when considering Facebook's growth over the last year. According to a Nielsen Online report published in August, MySpace still stands as the dominant social network with more than 61 million users, but has plateaued, only gaining a million new users in the past year. Facebook is closing the gap and doubled in size over the last year, up to 38 million users from 19 million users last year. That accounts for a hell of a lot of more narcissists online.

Even the amount of time people spend on Facebook has increased. Last year users spent an average 1 hour on Facebook whereas this year users are spending 1 hour and 40 minutes. More people are spending more time logged into Facebook.

Facebook doesn't necessarily create narcissists, according to study co-author W. Keith Campbell, but it's a resource for exercising narcissistic behavior. "Nearly all of our students use Facebook, and it seems to be a normal part of people's social interactions," Campbell said. "It just turns out that narcissists are using Facebook the same way they use their other relationships — for self-promotion with an emphasis on quantity over quality."

So how can you separate the nasty narcissists from the rest of the Facebook community? According to researchers, "Narcissistic Facebook users were also more likely to have glamorous, self-promoting pictures for their main profile photo, while others tended to use snapshots, the study found."

So look out for people with profile photos like this:
And avoid them at all costs.