Friends and Fam,

After approximately 15 hours of travel by plane and train, Wesley and I arrived in Berlin.

We´re staying at a hostel called Mitte's Backpacker per Katrine's suggestion and it's awesome! We're in a 28-bed dorm room and 24 of those beds are occupied by a large group of Irish college students -- 18 ladies and 6 dudes -- who are here to party for the week.

They've adopted Wesley and I into the group and we're cool with that. The girls are quite beautiful and the numbers are working for us. It's undergrad all over again. Last night we all went out on a 3-legged pub crawl and I was tied up at the ankle with a girl named Holly. Wow.

We're heading out with this crazy bunch again tonight and tomorrow we're parting ways as they're all heading back to Dublin and we're on our way to Prague.
