Well, Anna already beat me to the punch writing about a Washington Post editorial admitting women are "the weaker sex afterall" -- afflicted by "random emotions, psychosomatic flailings and distraction by the superficial." The tongue-in-cheek article ties into Clinton and the "worst -- and, yes, stupidest -- presidential race in recent history, marred by every stereotypical flaw of the female sex."

It's a good read.

In that vein, one of the more impressive creative political writings I've read recently is authored by TV producer Gary David Goldberg, creator of Family Ties.

In his NY Times editorial, Goldberg asks who Alex Keaton, the politically active and conservative hero of Family Ties played by Michael J. Fox, would vote for in this presidential election. The article clearly has a liberal lean (eventually endorsing Obama), but it doesn't so much play up or down candidates as it does contrast conservative values of the 1980s compared to the perceived conservative values of today.

"Alex Keaton was a true conservative Republican. He was for limited government. He was strongly against government involvement in the personal lives of its citizens... And so itโ€™s difficult to recognize in this current incarnation of the Republican Party..."

Just 25-odd years later, or during the course of my lifetime, we're seeing Republicans in power driving that which would make Alex Keaton's heroes, Nixon and Reagan, cringe -- big government, big spending and big encroachments upon civil liberties.