Today's conspiracy theory: Blue Monday was created by angry white people to undermine MLK celebrations

Today, Jan. 21, is supposedly Blue Monday -- that dark, cold day of the year when all the negative, terrible factors (time of year, day of week, post-holiday depression, etc.) align and we're all doomed to have a terrible day. Well, it's also MLK day. Coincidence? I think not. Clearly, white supremacists created the day to combat the celebration of civil rights.

How do I know? Because I'm having a great day. I don't have to work because today's a company holiday (for MLK), and Scott and I just came back from Crystal Mountain where I owned skiing. I'm hanging out now and have band practice in a few hours. I'd call this a good, not blue, Monday.

Oh, and Happy 21st Birthday, Caitlin. Word on the street is that you woke up with 21 Sharpie marks on your arm. We all know what that means. Way to go, drunky!