Paolo Does Europe - Sept. 6

Right now, I'm sitting at the lawn in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Just another day in the life, you know?

First off, the fucker does lean. Secondly, it's really not as big as I thought. A greater sight than the Tower and its adjoining cathedral is the spectacle of people posing to "hold the Tower" in a picture.

Families and friends are literally yelling at each other in their native tongues for the right placement for the oh-so-original picture. Afterall, no one else has such a picture, unless you cound the hundreds I've seen already today, and every other tourist since.

I have a bit of a wait before my turn to climb the Tower, so I'm wasting time now soaking in sun and eating gelato. I have become a pro at gelato. Tre gusti = 3 flavors. I usually order fragola (strawberry), limone (lemon) and pesca (peach). I would learn Italian a hell of a lot faster if the end goal of the communication was always gelato. Now more Pisa pictures...

Next: Rome...