You might recall my proclamation about diving into the murky pools of online dating. Jeanna asked in a recent comment, “Totally off the subject, but are you still online dating?” and I figured that answer deserved its own post. I realize now I haven’t given an update recently.

I imagine, Jeanna, you’re referring to the fact that my profile is no longer up on The Stranger personals. Well, I took my profile off when I went to Europe because I knew I'd be unresponsive anyway.

Basically, I've met some nice girls online, but...

  • Nice girls = friends
  • Hot girls = girlfriends

I have too many of the former (which is why I started this madness) and haven't met or discovered any of the later online. Sure, I've had success in meeting people, getting responses, etc., but I'm not meeting the physical quality of girls I was hoping for. God intended for me to date models, and I must do His willing.

I think I'm going to stick to the old adage of meeting girls in person because it's just a waste going out with girls I'm compatible with on paper but no so much in person.

Clearly, God intended for physical attraction to come first in the act of courting. That's why Eve appeared to Adam naked. Now I must ask God's forgiveness for forsaking His plan and trying to covet thy neighbor online.

During my pilgrimage to Italy, I met an astounding number of beautiful women with relative ease and came to the revelation that:

  1. Women overseas are very approachable (and attractive).
  2. Women here are generally not as approachable (or attractive) in comparison.

Thus, unless I hop abroad for some extended period of time, I intend to tap the great confidence I gained in my interactions overseas to be more bold in approaching women here. I may or may not repost my profile, but I doubt I'll spend much time skimming through profiles or updating my own. Rather, I'll be out at a local pub or concert, and you can find me talking to the tall, hot blonde in the corner.