It's my last weekend before I'm off to the motherland, aka Italy, to get lost for a few weeks. Am I slightly freaking out? Yes. Am I distracting myself with lots of activities, only to feed procrastination? Yes.
I probably should have started shopping for travel items yesterday, but I instead opted to have dinner with my cousin in Monroe and get a sneak preview of the new Common Market album. Both the pasta and album were quite tasty.
Tonight I'm heading south to Tacoma for band practice and a little socializing. Tomorrow the band is playing a 25th wedding anniversary party (Yes, some older folks actually like rocking out to us) and I'm going to get a round of golf in before playing another show at Hell's Kitchen that night. We're playing with a band called Point Defiance that recently released a crossover single with Snoop Dogg, though I doubt the big D-O double G will be making an appearance. Tacoma's too ghetto.
Sunday I might be heading to EMP during the day with Serg and have some dinner plans before spending most of the evening packing. That gives me Monday night to finish up packing/shopping/researching/practicing toddler-level Italian. I'm heading to Scott's right after work on Tuesday and he's making the ultimate sacrifice of getting me to the airport by 5:30 a.m. on Wednesday to catch my flight.
Did you need to know all of this? No. Did I need to list this out to maintain my own sanity? Yes. Thanks for being an audience, and Happy Friday.