On Thursday, everyone left work early to go on a company-sponsored scavenger hunt around Pioneer Square, followed by a Mariner's game. Each team's last task was to use the $40 given to us to prefunk at a local bar before game. Alex and I did our best to represent.And I made friends with the bartender at the J&M Cafe asking, "How many pints of PBR can I get for $40?"
I proceeded with my coworkers to the Mariner's game, and I saw my friends Michelle and Tony just a section over from our seats. It'd been WAY too long since I'd seen them, so I sat with them to catch up on life for a couple innings. Michelle showed me pictures she just took in her wedding dress. She's a 10, no doubt about it.
I rejoined my company for the rest of the game and watched the Mariner's lose to the Angels 7-3. Ouch. We decided to head to Temple Billards to end the night. OK, well, first we grabbed hot dogs, then went to Slugger's for shots, and then we went to Temple. The debauchery continued at Temple and let's just say a lot of people had their heads down at work on Friday. Friday night, Moos and I headed to the open house for the new Cafe Fiore in Ballard on Leary Way. Moos loved it!
Katrine, eh, was tired from the 12-hour days preparing to open the store, but did a great job pretending to have energy and be excited.
A little later, Moos and I left to meet Scott and Courtney at Stone Soup in Fremont to see Claire and Eric Reidmann in a one-act play, written and directed by locals. Claire played a sexy, greedy playwright's girlfriend. Eric played the playwright's zany but brilliant roomate. Loved it. When Scott laughs at a play, you've done something right.
We had to end the night back at the Ballard Burrow watching that season finale of "The Office" again. God I love that show.
Tonight, back to the studio to finish the focuspoint CD. Woo hoo!