Gramps Analyzes the 'Free Expression' of Sex Shows in Oregon

Editor's note: Word Is Born proudly presents food for thought from its first guest columnist. Take it away, Gramps.

Here is an interesting issue to contemplate: The Oregon Supreme Court, under the “freedom of expression” banner, recently ruled that live sex shows are “free expression,” thereby permitted by law. Any establishment in Oregon can now offer all such live shows which can, and do, include masturbation, oral sex and any other sexual activities.

Both the ACLU and the Portland Oregonian filed briefs supporting the ruling. (This, in spite of a past ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that states and local communities can limit some “expressions.”) So, in Oregon, smoking in bars is illegal, but live bang-bang sex is not. (Is the rationale here that sex doesn’t cause lung cancer?) Expanding this concept further still is live sex on the front lawn in daylight legally pronounced “free expression.” And how about substituting “free sexual expression” in the work place instead of the traditional coffee break – for those who don’t particularly enjoy coffee? M-m-m-m-m-!