
Right now, our brothers and sisters in the South are asking God, “Why?” Some are speaking to God for the first time; some are trying to reconnect to Him. Others fight their confusion in trying to make sense of His plan.

Overall, Southerners are a more religious people than we are in the Northwest, but are we turning the corner to becoming a religious society, too?

According to the P-I, that far-out congregation at Mars Hill Church are making Seattleites believe. The hotbed for twentysomethings is 4,000 strong and growing. According to one Martian, pastor Mars Hill’s pastor Driscoll, “Won't budge on biblical issues…but he doesn't say (you're wrong) if you dress a certain way, have tattoos or purple hair; that's not a biblical issue."

That’s cool. Young Seattleites like physical individuality. They like music, too. The church hosts the Paradox, a well-known, all ages concert venue, on its campus – a way to attract young people to become interested in the church.

The Martians are even involved online. The church Web site offers free downloads of sermons and music, and the site had more than 1 million hits last year.

And finally the Catholics have caught on. According to a New York Times article, I believe a priest in the Netherlands can steer my Catholic upbringings back on track.

“Father Vonhögen began podcasting during a trip to Rome in February. When Pope John Paul II fell ill he captured reactions in and around the Vatican. Since then Father Vonhögen has done programs on the spiritual aspects of the "Star Wars" films and has discussed the Christian dimensions of the Harry Potter books.”

That’s right, podcasting has struck the secular world. Amen. It’s about time Catholics caught up to the rest of the world and did something semi-hip for a change. Now excuse me, but I have to strap on my Ipod, go for a run and listen to last week’s sermon.