Last night I met Tom Morello, aka The Nightwatchman, aka guitar god of Rage Against the Machine and the former Audioslave.

Since Audioslave broke up last year, Tom released the "One Man Revolution" album under the The Nightwatchman alias. Tom sings on the acoustic, solo project and proves that "You don't have to be loud, son, to be heavy as shit."

It's neo-Bob Dylan. It's patriotic. I love it.

So as you could imagine, I was as a giddy as a girl on prom night when I got to meet Tom after witnessing my second Nightwatchman show. He signed a promo flyer for me, and I think I said, "I caught you at Coachella. That was the shit."

While these are both true statements, I probably could have said something like "You're my favorite guitarist" or "I think Rage Against the Machine is the greatest band ever" or "I learned music playing along to your albums." But no. I said something about Coachella, something about "the shit." Maybe I said "I'm the shit." Maybe I said, "I like shit." Who knows?

I left beyond stoked. I mean, the guy started a mosh pit playing an acoustic guitar! So now, I'm crossing my fingers that I can go to the Voodoo Festival in New Orleans in October to see Rage Against the Machine again (Second time this year. Woot!) and get that shot of adrenaline again knowing that I'm witnessing today's most important guitarist command a crowd like a coup d'etat is in order.