My company is really good about hosting classes and bringing in speakers for ongoing education, self-improvement, etc. I usually sign up for them to break up my workday. I'm taking a class today about communication styles and behavior and had to take a personality test of sorts in advance. I got the results today. They were spot on! It's like a 27-page unambiguous horoscope. This analysis only validates my cool factor. Here's the abbreviated, top line summary:

General Characteristics:
Based on Paolo's responses, the report has selected general statements to provide a broad understanding of his work style. These statements identify the basic natural behavior that he brings to the job. That is, if left on his own, these statements identify HOW HE WOULD CHOOSE TO DO THE JOB. Use the general characteristics to gain a better understanding of Paolo's natural behavior.

Paolo wants to be seen as his own person, but usually projects it in friendly terms. He is optimistic and usually has a positive sense of humor. He tries to influence others through a personal relationship and many times will perform services to develop this relationship. He is driven by status and power. Paolo influences most people with his warmth. He seeks popularity and social recognition. He likes to deal with people in a favorable social environment. He is most likely to be at his best in situations where important things, such as values, judgments, feelings and emotions are involved. He prides himself on his "intuition." He can be friendly with others in many situations, but primarily with groups of established friends and associates. He is sociable and enjoys the uniqueness of each human being. Paolo likes quality social relationships. He often will become friends with his customers or clients. He, as a manager, supervisor or group leader can use his people skills to build group involvement and increase participation from the group.

Paolo likes working for managers who make quick decisions. When he has strong feelings about a particular problem, you should expect to hear these feelings, and they will probably be expressed in an emotional manner. He may leap to a favorable conclusion without considering all the facts. He is good at solving problems that deal with people. Paolo is good at giving verbal and nonverbal feedback that serves to encourage people to be open, to trust him and to see him as receptive and helpful. Because of his trust and willing acceptance of people, he may misjudge the abilities of others.

Paolo tends to influence people to his way of thinking by using verbiage as compared with others who like to use reports. He will optimistically interact with people in an assured, diplomatic and poised manner. It is important for Paolo to use his people skills to "facilitate" agreement between people. He tends to look at all the things the group has in common, rather than key in on the differences. He is comfortable with most people and can be quite informal and relaxed with them. Even when dealing with strangers, Paolo will attempt to put them at ease. Paolo is people-oriented and verbally fluent. He usually uses many gestures when talking. He judges others by their verbal skills and warmth. He is good at negotiating conflict between others.

This survey, while valuable, fails to recognize my ability to waste time blogging and my arrogant narcissism. Oh well. I'll be curious to know how accurate you all think this assessment is.