Last night, I joined Chris, Kenna, Courtney, Claire and Tamara (although she slept the whole time) in watching the Senate debates last night on King 5.

In a nutshell, Maria Cantwell, the incumbent Democrat, boasted her record, Mike McGavick, her Republican challenger, attacked it and Bruce Guthrie, her Libertarian challenger, made mostly idiotic, illogical statements. After Guthrie mentioned being a lecturer at WWU, all of us WWU alumni agreed that we had to go back to a different college to earn B.A.'s again because Guthrie certainly destroyed any credibility WWU had and devalued, if not nullified, our degrees.

Outside the King 5 studios, Green Party candidate Aaron Dixon, who did not meet the fundraising and polling requirements for the debate, protested and demanded that he be included. After refusing to leave, he was arrested, according to the P-I.

As for the candidates' specific arguments in the debate, both the P-I and Times have nice summaries, so I won't go in-depth there, but here are some stand-out statements by the candidates:

Cantwell (on McGavick): "Do you want to send somebody to Washington who is willing to cut thousands of employees off his payroll and take a cash bonus as a reward for that?"

McGavick (on Social Security): "I don't trust Wall Street to manage this money, I don't trust individuals to manage this money. It should be a government program."

Guthrie: (on drug control): "I'd prefer drug and alcohol testing on members of Congress."